5 Best Chest Exercises: Your Ultimate Chest Development Guide

5 Best Chest Exercises: Your Ultimate Chest Development Guide

For a few years, my arms and legs seemed to respond almost instantly to my workout routines, growing stronger and bigger.

However, my chest was a different story.

My chest never grew, and no matter who I listened to, I couldn't find a way to grow it.

It wasn't until I understood more about the function of the chest that I learned how to train them more properly.

Overtime, my chest finally grew.

In this blog, I'll share the exercises and tips that really helped level up my chest.

Let's dive in!

Anatomy & Function of The Chest

Before we explore the 5 best exercises for the chest, we should know the anatomy and function of our chest muscles.

Our chest muscles, primarily the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, play crucial roles in upper body movement.

The pectoralis major, a large, fan-shaped muscle, has two parts: the clavicular head (upper chest) and the sternal head (lower chest).

The clavicular head helps in lifting the arm, while the sternal head brings the arm towards the body and rotates it inward.

Beneath the pectoralis major is the pectoralis minor, a smaller muscle that stabilizes the scapula by drawing it forward and downward.

Supporting muscles like the serratus anterior, which moves the scapula forward, and the subclavius, which stabilizes the clavicle, also contribute to chest function.

These muscles are essential for pushing movements and various arm actions, such as hugging or throwing.

With that being said, let's explore the 5 best exercises that promote growth and strength for the chest.

The 5 Best Chest Exercises

1. Barbell Bench Press

Why It's Effective: The bench press is a staple in any chest workout. It's been shown to activate a significant portion of the chest muscles, especially the pectoralis major. It's a compound movement that also engages the shoulders and triceps, making it a great all-around upper body exercise.

Tips: Focus on proper form—keep your feet planted, lower the bar to your mid-chest, and press back up without locking out your elbows.

2. Incline Dumbbell Press

Why It's Effective: The incline dumbbell bench press is a fantastic exercise for targeting the upper portion of the pectoralis major, the primary chest muscle. Using dumbbells allows for a greater range of motion compared to a barbell, which can enhance muscle activation and growth. This exercise also recruits stabilizer muscles to help control the weights, providing a more comprehensive workout for the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Tips: Set the bench at an incline of 30-45 degrees. Too steep an angle will shift more emphasis onto the shoulders rather than the chest.

3. Dips

Why It's Effective: Dips are a compound movement that effectively target the lower chest and triceps. They also engage the core for stabilization.

Tips: Lean slightly forward to put more emphasis on the chest. Keep your elbows flared out slightly and lower yourself until your shoulders are below your elbows.

4. Incline Cable Flyes

Why It's Effective: Cable flyes provide constant tension throughout the movement, which is great for muscle hypertrophy. They effectively isolate the chest muscles, promoting better muscle definition.

Tips: Adjust the pulley to shoulder height, keep a slight bend in your elbows, and bring your hands together in a hugging motion, focusing on squeezing your chest muscles.

5. Bodyweight Push Ups

Why It's Effective: Push-ups are a versatile and functional exercise that targets the entire chest, triceps, and shoulders while also engaging the core for stability. They can be performed anywhere, making them a convenient and efficient addition to any workout routine.

Tips: Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart to maximize chest engagement.

Chest Strategies

1. The Optimal Chest Workout Structure

Set up your chest workouts with a balanced structure:

  1. Pressing Exercise: Start with a compound movement like the bench press.
  2. Incline Pressing Exercise: Follow with an incline press to target the upper chest.
  3. Chest Isolation/Fly Exercise: Finish with a fly exercise to isolate the chest muscles.

This approach ensures a comprehensive chest workout. 

2. Train Your Chest In Various Angles 

Adding to #1, the pectoralis major moves the shoulder joints and arms in multiple directions.

Training your chest from different angles can be highly beneficial.

Include flat, incline, and chest isolation variations to fully engage your chest muscles.

3. Shoot For 12-20 Weekly Sets

For optimal chest growth, aim for 12-20 sets per week.

To achieve this, train your chest 2-3 times weekly, distributing the sets evenly across your workouts.

4. A Stretch & A Squeeze

Pressing exercises should focus on a full stretch and squeeze for maximum effectiveness.

If you struggle to feel this with presses, incorporate fly variations to better target the chest.

5. Heavy Weight, Less Reps

The chest responds well to heavier weights on compound movements.

Use a rep range of 5-10 for exercises like the barbell or dumbbell bench press.

For example, perform 4 sets of 6-10 reps one day and 4 sets of 5-8 reps another day.

For cable and machine exercises like chest flyes, aim for 8-12 and 12-15 reps.

6. Do 3-9 Sets of Chest Exercises Per Session

Limit your chest exercises to 3-9 sets per session, focusing on heavier weights and lower reps.

Ensure your chest volume is balanced with your back volume to avoid overtraining.

BONUS: Swap Barbell or Dumbbell Variations When Needed

If you experience shoulder tightness or instability with barbell exercises, switch to dumbbell variations.

Starting with a lighter one-handed dumbbell press can be a great warm-up before heavier barbell exercises.

Adjust your workout based on your comfort and goals.

Get An Extra Kick For Your Workouts

When it comes to building a powerful, chiseled chest, having the right pre-workout supplement in your arsenal can make all the difference.

This is why I recommend Pre-Forged, a next-level nootropic pre-workout that's meticulously formulated to supercharge your energy, focus, and performance.

Packed with a potent blend of ingredients like Beta-Alanine, Caffeine, L-Citrulline, and L-Theanine, Pre-Forged delivers a smooth, clean surge of energy and mental clarity to power you through even the most grueling chest sessions.

But the benefits don't stop there - this premium formula also boosts nitric oxide production, enhancing oxygen delivery to your muscles for improved endurance and muscle-building capabilities.

Simply take one scoop of this pre-workout 15-20 minutes before your workout session and you're good to go!

Check Price & Purchase On Amazon

Spartan-Plated Pecs

Incorporating these strategies into your chest workout routine will help you build muscle and strength effectively.

By structuring your workouts optimally, varying your training angles, and balancing your sets and reps, you can ensure comprehensive chest development.

Remember to focus on both stretch and squeeze, use heavy weights for compound movements, and adapt exercises as needed to prevent injury.

Consistency and smart training are key to achieving a powerful, spartan-plated chest.

Apply these tips, stay committed, and watch your chest gains soar. 

Now let's get those gains!

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The Mood Lifters Alliance is an affiliate for some or all of the products on this page.

When you click the link and purchase, you help support our mission in helping people on their journey of exercising to end depression. 

It is the mission, duty and purpose of the Mood Lifters Alliance to address, educate, coordinate, and provide relief to those who need help and support on their mental health journeys.

We believe that everyone deserves to be happier.

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