Our Story

We believe everyone deserves to have some sort of meaning or happiness in their lives. However, rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide continue to rise.

While we advance technologically, we are fighting a losing battle mentally and spiritually.

As individuals who have found the pursuit of improving our physical health a key to happiness in every aspect of our lives, we believe it is necessary to help others with the same thing.

To help them find something to work towards, something that allows them to fight back against these depressive monsters with movement.

With the Mood Lifters Alliance, we believe movement has meaning. In lifting weights, with martial arts, or with cardiovascular exercise, we believe your truest self is just aching to rise.

Let's get some movement in!

Our Values

  • LIFT Moods: We strive to help lift your spirits - not only from a physical confidence standpoint, but a mental one as well.
  • Absolute Integrity: our goal is to ALWAYS do the right thing even when no one is looking.
  • Chase Excellence: we strive to be paragons in our community to help others chase happiness and help others chase their best selves.
  • Movement Has Meaning: we want to help spark the minds that will make the world a better place. We believe movement has meaning, and through movement, we can become better and seize a greater life for ourselves.